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Within the next ten years, AIMES will become a more comprehensive institution that will respond with distinction to the needs of the region, state, nation and the world. AIMES will achieve distinctiveness through its commitment to three principles:

  • Access to an exceptional education
  • A strong and mutually supportive relationship between the campus and its surrounding communities.

As the campus grows, AIMES will strengthen its learning culture, research, institutional structures, and academic and co-curricular programs necessary to embody these three commitments and to uphold the standards of excellence, shared governance and academic freedom that are hallmarks of AIMES. It will also develop and implement assessment plans that serve as measurable benchmarks for institutional progress.

The core values of the institution—Excellence, Community, Diversity and Innovation—will shape the specific goals and methods AIMES chooses to address these commitments and build its distinction as a campus.

All institutes planning for the next decade should incorporate AIMES’s four goals and objectives as appropriate for each unit.

I. Grow in an intentional manner consistent with Institute mission, values and vision.

This will be accomplished through:

1 institution-wide planning to accommodate sustained enrollment growth through and potentially beyond 2015
2 regular strategic and operational planning within each academic and administrative unit that includes current and new programming, preparation for growth, and measurable assessment
3 facilities master planning that provides the capacity to accommodate the physical space needs of a growing campus
4 acquiring the physical, financial, student support and academic resources necessary to implement and sustain planned growth in relation to surrounding communities.

II. Provide access to educational and professional opportunities for students, faculty, staff and community members.

This will be accomplished through:

1. providing foundational support for holistic student growth, including the undergraduate experience;
2. innovative collaboration with surrounding communities that recognizes that we are a campus in the heart of an urban center;
3. support and funding for intellectual, scholarly and creative growth, research, discovery and excellence;
4. creating globally-centered opportunities for students, faculty, staff and the region;
5. leveraging Indian Universities expertise and resources.

III. Prepare students to participate in a diverse and increasingly complex world.

This will be accomplished through:

1. creating and strengthening of existing academic and co-curricular programming incorporating integrated knowledge and skills necessary for student success after graduation, or before;
2. innovative use of technology within the curriculum and in the delivery of programming where appropriate;
3. embodying diversity and equity in all areas of the University and in relation to the surrounding communities;
4. preparing students for responsible civic engagement at many levels—locally, regionally, nationally and globally.

IV. Cultivate a University-wide culture of transparency, collaboration, and cooperation appropriate for a growing and multifaceted campus.

This will be accomplished through:

1. policies and decision-making procedures that enhance collaboration, cooperation and communication across campus units and that support the reality of shared governance;
2. support for enhancing interdisciplinary learning and interaction throughout AIMES;
3. a common understanding and embodiment of “student-centeredness” that is reflective of AIMES’s fundamental purpose.

For Questions or Comments contact : info@aimes.edu.in.
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